Digital Inlet provides professional small
business web design. For a low monthly
fee web
hosting, e-mail and site updates are
supplied. We keep things quick, simple and
affordable, and are always just a phone
call or e-mail away.
Web Site Design
DigitalInlet puts years
of experience to professionally
design websites at an
affordable rate. All sites
are custom-built from
scratch. Your site will
be submitted to the largest
search engines and a domain
name of your choosing
will be registered for
you at no additional charge.
Using Your Own Domain Name
Never send business e-mails
from Hotmail or Yahoo again!
You will be able to access and
use your own e-mail using a
mail client (Outlook, Outlook
Express, etc.). For increased
mobility you can access it via
Updates & Hosting
Your site will be professionally
hosted in a secure environment.
When you need updates made to
your web sites it's as simple
and painless as sending us an
e-mail or giving us a call.
Site Statistics
Keep track of how many visitors
your site is drawing with web
site statistics.
Shamrock Boats needed a more corporate,
clean and professional look.